Altaration: The Mystery of the Mass Revealed DVD Set
The 3-DVD Set provides five lessons (approximately 20 minutes each†) and features some of the top Catholic youth presenters in the church today, including Mark Hart, Jackie Francois Angel, Fr. Mike Schmitz, Chris Stefanick and Fr. Josh Johnson. The program also features music from acclaimed Catholic musicians Ike Ndolo and Emily Wilson. Through a combination of stunning cinematography and powerful testimonies and teaching, teens will come to see the Mass in a dramatically new way.
†With the exception of Lesson 5, which is a dynamic, 60-minute specially formatted walk through the Mass.
Altaration: The Mystery of the Mass Revealed Leader's Guide
The Leader’s Guide provides the framework and content a catechist needs to guide teens through the Altaration learning experience. It includes the entire content of the student workbook, plus a...
Altaration: The Mystery of the Mass Revealed Starter Pack
Sold Out$129.99
The Mass as Teens Have Never Seen it Before Altaration addresses head-on one of the biggest problems we all face: how do we get Catholic teens to appreciate the awesome...
Altaration: The Mystery of the Mass Revealed Student Workbook
The Student Workbook is a key element of the Altaration program and serves to both expand on and reinforce the powerful video presentations. It includes starter stories, group questions, prayers,...