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Catholicism: The New Evangelization Leader's Kit

"It takes one generation from inadequate adult catechesis to non-church attendance, and then it only takes one generation from non-church attendance to unbelief."
- CATHOLICISM: The New Evangelization trailer

CATHOLICISM taught us what the Church believes and why. CATHOLICISM: The New Evangelization shows us how to put our Faith into ACTION in today's increasingly secular world. The Catholic faith is not about myths or legends, symbols or literary devices. It's about an encounter so overwhelming that you want to tell the whole world.It is an encounter with Jesus Christ.

Throughout history the call of Christ has sent people to the corners of the earth with a message of great joy, a message that has built civilizations, inspired cultures and even sent some to prisons and to their graves. We have the same call - that's the New Evangelization. This new documentary series from Father Barron's Word On Fire, continues the story of CATHOLICISM and explores the Church's mission and the challenges of contemporary culture.

Now, experience this Faith in action in CATHOLICISM: The New Evangelization:

  1. The 90-minute Catholicism: The New Evangelization DVD. It also includes additional DVDs with four hours of extra features including two of Father Barron speeches from Australia and full interviews and insights on the New Evangelization with George Weigel, Ross Douthat, Brad Gregory, and Brandon Vogt.

  2. The companion Leader's Study Guide and Workbook was written by Brandon Vogt, under the direction of Father Barron. Brandon is author of "The Church and the New Media" and a well-known Catholic blogger and advocate of the Church's evangelization efforts via the new media.

  3. The study program can be presented in six sessions (90 minutes each). Each DVD segment is 15-30 minutes long, leaving 60+ minutes for small group discussion. The study program can be presented in six sessions (90 minutes each). Each DVD segment is 15-30 minutes ling, leaving 60+ minutes for small group discussion.

  4. A set of 40 prayer cards for the New Evangelization for prayer during each study session or for promotional hand-outs

The CATHOLICISM: The New Evangelization Adult Study Program will further advance the mission of the Church to proclaim the Gospel and invite people to know Christ in his Church, and enjoy the gift of full and abundant life in Christ. It is comprehensive and faithful, appropriate for:

  • Adult lay formation

  • Training adult catechists

  • Diaconate and other ministerial training

  • Mature high school or college/university coursework



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