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Magnificat October 2019 - Extraordinary Missionary Month Special Edition

An inviting and practical tool in response to the Church's designation of October 2019 as an Extraordinary Missionary Month.

This special issue challenges us to fully embrace our call to mission in our daily lives among family, friends, and community while embodying the theme “Baptized and Sent: The Church of Christ on a mission in the world.”

In addition to the regular features found in Magnificat—daily Mass, prayers, meditations, spiritual insights, and art commentaries—each day of this special issue will include:

  • An additional mission-themed meditation
  • The profile of a missionary saint
  • A prayer intention for the mission!


The special October 2019 issue of Magnificat is a perfect way to engage the faithful in prayer day after day.

Reading and praying with this special issue will bring three areas of concentration highlighted by Pope Francis into sharp focus, “first…to renew the mission as a baptismal commitment of all the faithful…secondly, the mission must become the paradigm of ordinary life and of every action of the Church, finally, all Christians in their dioceses, parishes, movements and ecclesial groups, are asked to put themselves in a permanent state of mission." 

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