In 1889, amidst the chaos and poverty of an over-populated New York, Mother Frances Cabrini and her sister companions arrived from Italy. They quickly began organizing catechism and language classes for Italian immigrants, established schools and orphanages, and served the poor throughout the city. Requests for Mother Cabrini's help later came from all over the world. Today, her Missionary Sisters can be found on six continents serving in a variety of roles wherever there is a need.
Ordained in 1925, Miguel Pro was a Jesuit priest in Mexico where public worship was banned. But Pro was kind and clever. He served the poor unceasingly and performed the...
Born in Germany in 1830, Mother Maria Theresia Bonzel founded the Sisters of St. Francis of Perpetual Adoration. These amazing nuns ran orphanages, served as battlefield nurses, and even outsmarted...
Stanley Rother was born into a family of hard-working Oklahoma farmers. In 1968, five years into his priesthood, Fr. Rother requested reassignment to a mission in rural Guatemala. There he...