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With a beautiful illustration of a saint on the front of each card and a life-summary on the back, this captivating collection of 40 flash cards is ideal for use at church, home or school.
Saints included: Agnes, Alberto Hurtado, Ambrose, Andrew Kim Taegon, Anthony of Padua, Augustine, Benedict the Moor, Bernadette, Blessed Mother Teresa, Dominic Savio, Elizabeth Ann Seaton, Francis of Assisi, Francis Xavier, Gabriel the Archangel, Ignatius of Loyola, Joan of Arc, John Bosco, John, Joseph, Josephine Bakhita, Jude, Kateri Tekawitha, Lorenzo Ruiz, Luke, Martin de Porres, Matthew, Maximilian Kolbe, Michael the Archangel, Paul Miki, Monica, Nicholas, Padre Pio, Patrick, Paul, Perpetua & Felicity, Pope John Paul II, Rose of Lima, Stephen, Therese of Lisieux, Valentine
40 (8.5 X 5.5") full-color UV coated cards
New and updated second edition! Sometimes when teaching children an aspect of our Catholic Faith, it is helpful to have a special activity to reinforce the lesson. They need exercises...
Sold Out $27.50
by Maryann Hakowski 22 Ready-Made Prayer Services is a rich resource that invites both the novice and veteran youth minister to create and foster prayer experiences that challenge teens to...
Sold Out $14.99
by Jared Dees Creator of the popular website The Religion Teacher, Jared Dees shares practical, easy-to-use teaching strategies and exercises for spiritual growth in his book 31 Days to Becoming...
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