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El Papa Francisco, como lo dijo en u mensaje inicial a los señores cardenales y a todos los fieles congregados en la plaza de San Pedro: "Me fueron a buscar en el último lugar del mundo". El Papa, desde su primera aparición ante el mundo entero,nos ha indicado la importancia de recorrer un camino diferente al del poder, el camino que recorrio San Pedro, en medio de los pobres, comunicando la Buena Nueva del Reino de Dios.
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by Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI Prayer is essential to the life of faith. In this superb book, based on Pope Benedict's weekly teaching, he examines the foundational principles of the life...
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by Kevin Cotter "The Church must be a place of mercy freely given, where everyone can feel welcomed, loved, forgiven and encouraged to live the good life of the Gospel....
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by Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI Written by Joseph Ratzinger shortly before he became Pope Benedict XVI, Christianity and the Crisis of Cultures looks at the growing conflict of cultures evident in...
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