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Pope Francis, beloved for his down-to-earth understanding of pastoral life, recommends that this Holy Year become a time for each person to grow rich in "living out in our daily lives the mercy" which God "constantly extends to all of us." Always the pastor of souls, he reminds us that mercy makes demands of us and offers suggestions so that everyone, lay and ordained, may give concrete expression to mercy in words and deeds. In this way we may all become "merciful like the Father," the motto of this extraordinary Holy Year.
To deepen our understanding of mercy, the document develops three main themes. First, the theological understanding of mercy is accessibly explained, along with its foundational role in the lives of individuals and in the pastoral ministry of the Church. Secondly, practical suggestions for living out the Holy Year are offered, ranging from making a pilgrimage to refraining from judgment and gossip. Lastly, specific appeals for conversion and the acceptance of God's mercy are made to those involved in corruption on various levels.
The Catholic Church's tradition of Holy Years dates back 700 years. Until now, the Church has celebrated 25 jubilees, but only two "extraordinary" jubilees. Pope Francis, with The Face of Mercy, has now proclaimed the third extraordinary jubilee, which will come to a close on November 20, 2016, the Solemnity of Christ the King.
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