A Biblical Walk Through the Mass Starter Pack (old or new version)
Based on the revised translation of the Mass, this five-part program takes participants on an exciting tour of the Liturgy as it explores the biblical roots of the words and...
by CTS This booklet will help you understand how to go to Confession. It explains the Christian disciple’s need for a continuous, true interior conversion. It is this conversion of the...
Altaration: The Mystery of the Mass Revealed DVD Set
The 3-DVD Set provides five lessons (approximately 20 minutes each†) and features some of the top Catholic youth presenters in the church today, including Mark Hart, Jackie Francois Angel, Fr....
Altaration: The Mystery of the Mass Revealed Leader's Guide
The Leader’s Guide provides the framework and content a catechist needs to guide teens through the Altaration learning experience. It includes the entire content of the student workbook, plus a...
Altaration: The Mystery of the Mass Revealed Student Workbook
The Student Workbook is a key element of the Altaration program and serves to both expand on and reinforce the powerful video presentations. It includes starter stories, group questions, prayers,...
Come along with Brother Francis as he shows us the wonderful way in which God provides grace and strength for our entire life—from the time we are born until we...
Join Brother Francis as he shows us what the Sacrament of Confirmation is, what it does, and why Jesus promised it to us!This episode includes:- The Parable of the Good...
The 8-DVD Set provides twenty-four lessons (approximately 15-20 minutes each) with some of the most powerful and compelling speakers in the Church.Filmed on locations all around the U.S. and internationally,...
Chosen: Your Journey Toward Confirmation Leader's Guide
The Leader’s Guide provides all the framework and content a catechist needs to guide the candidates on the journey to Confirmation. It contains an easy 10-step structure for every Chosen...
Chosen: Your Journey Toward Confirmation Parent's Guide
The Parent’s Guide not only instructs the parents in their integral role with their child’s Confirmation preparation, but is an opportunity to revisit and rekindle their own faith. It includes...
Chosen: Your Journey Toward Confirmation Sponsor's Guide
The Sponsor’s Guide not only instructs the sponsor how to fulfill their role, but is an opportunity to revisit and rekindle their faith. It includes an overview of a sponsor’s...
Fulfilled; Uncovering the Biblical Foundations of Catholicism
by Sonja Corbitt Have you ever been unable to explain the “why” of Catholic beliefs? Have you ever wondered why the Old Testament sounds so different from the New Testament?...
by Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI) The Second Vatican Council says, "We ought to try to discover a new reverence for the Eucharistic mystery. Something is happening that is greater...
I'm Not Being Fed: Discovering the Food that Satisfies the Soul
by Jeff Cavins In I’m Not Being Fed!: Discovering the Food that Satisfies the Soul, Jeff Cavins explores the reasons why many Catholics do not seem to understand and appreciate the...
The Power and Grace Starter Pack gives you everything you need to start this flexible four-session program that quickly introduces participants to the purpose and meaning of the seven Catholic sacraments. The Power...
Pray Always is the perfect gift for any child. Whether for their first Reconciliation, Communion, or even just a birthday, this little prayer book will make a lasting impact on the...
Speaking the Love of God: An Introduction to the Sacraments
by Jacob W. Wood “Our words indicate our thoughts, but our thoughts don’t make anything happen. . . . It’s not the same with God.” In Speaking the Love of God:...
by Heliodoro Lucatero As human beings, we tend to be creatures of habit. So, when changes come along to our usual routine, as they inevitably do, they can provoke some...
Your First Communion; Meeting Jesus, Your True Joy
Sold Out$21.99
by Pope Francis These are the words of Pope Francis himself, addressed to young people preparing for their First Communion. They are words of wisdom and encouragement about the patient...